Communication Policy
Telephone Calls:
Patients are encouraged to make an appointment to speak with the Doctor, however in certain circumstances patients may leave a phone message and where appropriate the doctor will return the call within 24hrs. Alternatively a practice staff member will call to advise you the doctor would like to see you via appointment. Urgent calls will be put through to your doctor whenever possible.
Please be aware that the phones are only attended between 8:30am and 5pm and are off during lunch breaks between 12pm and 1pm.
Please call 000 if it is an emergency.
Putney Medical Practice has an email address that patients can use to send through simple communications to their doctor or practice staff. This email address is checked on a regular basis and any email received will be acknowledged in a reply and passed on to the addressee. All relevant emails will be stored in your patient record.
While we make every effort to keep your information secure we want to remind our patients that electronic communications and information can potentially be compromised and accessed by persons outside of our practice. Patients communicating with Putney Medical Practice through email do so at their own risk.
Our email address is:
Contact Us and Jobs opportunities
Complete the form below to contact us. We are looking for full-time/part-time VR female/male GP's now.
Other contacts
- Concord Hospital: Ph. 9767 5000
- Ryde Hospital: Ph. 9858 0852
- Sydney Medical Service Home GP Co-Operative Limited: Ph. 02 8724 6300
- NSW Health Complaints Commission: Ph. 1800 043 159
- Translating and Interpreting Service: Ph. 131 450
Suites 3&4 Ground Floor
227 Morrison Rd, Ryde 2112
(Next door to Royal Rehab Hospital
2 hour parking is available behind the practice. Disabled parking is also available).
Contact Us
Tel: 9807 9850
Fax: 9807 3159
After Hours: 1300 466 347
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday & Public Holidays: CLOSED